
Regular Schedule


Der Unterricht findet heute für alle entsprechend dem regulären Stundenplan statt.


All classes follow their regular schedules.


Study and career counseling

Study and career counseling are firmly anchored in the GISW’s curriculum and promote STEM/MINT professions and courses of study in a variety of ways. In addition to career information days in grades 10 and 11 that include a wide variety of information on STEM/MINT careers and programs, personal counseling sessions provide answers to students' individual questions.

Particularly noteworthy are the following firmly established activities within the framework of career guidance and information:

- Annual application for a university summer internship arranged by TU9 in Germany for high school students interested and gifted in science and mathematics.

- Local businesses and institutions (such as the National Institute of Health) offer a variety of opportunities in the STEM/MINT fields for the one-week career internship in grades 10 and 11.

- The one-day career information excursion in grade 9 brings students to the Volkswagen Group of America in Reston VA, where, among other things, various job profiles and career paths in the STEM/MINT field are presented.

- In Year 9, in preparation for Girls Day, a lesson on the topic of "typically male / typically female professions" is conducted in ethics classes. Girls and Boys Day is used to give students a sense of gender-atypical professions.


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